100% Outdoor Kindergarten - 12th Grade Natural, Organic Learning in scenic Wildcat Canyon Regional Park- Students experience real life in real time!

Site Maintenance


Site Maintenance

Long term site maintenance is critical to program longevity. Major tips I've learned along the way include:

-Remove plants in the wet season when the ground is soft.

-Most tree pruning should occur in the winter, when plants are the most dormant.

Black Currants

Part lesson plan, part practical school gardening tips, check out a black currant bush, its maintenance and uses throughout the year.

Duck's Nest Garden Brochure

While I have learned many things since making this brochure for the 2010-2011 school year, the overall impression of this is correct. 

Bay Area Waterscapes

This is a professional service for creating, repairing, and maintaining water features. He understands the special needs of schools with young children present.

"Fire Safe Landscaping"

In this video from Peaceful Valley, learn about how to create and maintain a defensible space around structures and demonstrates tool use for removing saplings and established plants, as well as showing some pruning tools and techniques.

Friends of Five Creeks

A group operating in the San Francisco Bay Area East Bay, they've been restoring watersheds using volunteers for years. Excellent model for how to do long term environmental projects.

Outdoor Art Preservatives

Some ideas toward preserving art in outdoor spaces.