100% Outdoor Kindergarten - 12th Grade Natural, Organic Learning in scenic Wildcat Canyon Regional Park- Students experience real life in real time!

Wet Weather Tips


Wet Weather Tips

I have some links to gear and gear care on the Health and Safety page here:

Pro Tips

-Wear rain pants over rain boots so water doesn't pour inside them.

-For shirts, tuck them and any other inner layers into rain pants so when sitting or bending they don't soak up water from the bottom. Also roll up their sleeves so rain doesn’t soak up from the bottom of rain jacket sleeves.

-Wearing a baseball hat under the hood may help increase visibility, but may also soak up more water. It depends on the construction of the coat.

-Keep wearing rain gear on the days following rain, as everything in the environment will still be wet.

-Pack extra clothes in case inner layers get soaked. Socks, a t-shirt, and leggings or pajamas don't add too much extra weight for the backpack.

-Pack at least one plastic bag. It can be used to store extra clothes then put the wet clothes into, cover a backpack, or sit upon.

-A rain shell over a sweater and plastic gloves or bags over regular gloves or mittens can make for cozy and dry layers.

-Water resistant or snow clothes often soak up water as the day goes on. Rain gear or waterproof are better choices.

-Long underwear makes a great base layer, and depending on the temperature may be all that's needed under rain gear.

-A thermos with a warm snack, soup, leftovers, or beverage can offer comfort during the day.

-A warm car or home, soup, hot chocolate, and/or a warm bath can be great ways to cozy up at the end of a cold, wet day.

-For teachers, keeping your cell phone in a ziplock bag will keep it dry and you can still use it!

-Weather Underground utilizes crowdsourced, neighborhood weather stations that have hourly predictions for cloud cover, temperature, wind speed and direction, humidity, and more. I check it before 7:30 AM and 7:30 PM in case there are any weather warnings I need to communicate with families, and just to have an idea of what the day will be like: