100% Outdoor Kindergarten - 12th Grade Natural, Organic Learning in scenic Wildcat Canyon Regional Park- Students experience real life in real time!

Garden Chores


Garden Chores


Tools for whatever project is at hand, provided they are real tools, not toys.


Whatever chores need to be done, have the kids help you! Given trust and time they can accomplish anything you can, proving their competence in this life.

Young artichoke plants sprout at the base of an old stalk. It’s time to cut the old stalk down, having had our artichokes harvested long ago.

This child spent all morning with a real table saw, sweating pouring off his body! Friends came and watched him as he worked.

Success! A fine job, indeed! This kid was SO proud of himself!!!

Once cut, we could easily see live and dead parts of the stalk and notice where the old, dead leaves that had been pulled away had come out.

Every chore is an opportunity for more discovery. In this case a garden snail. Potential discussions would come from the curiousities and knowledge of the observers. What stories can be told? I enjoy natural history stories such as: camouflage, anatomy, comparing and contrasting, gastropods, hermaphroditism, mucous, mobility, how English garden snails came to invade California, and my all time favorite… Why snails poop on their own heads!!!

Lesson plan by Heather Taylor, teachoutside@gmail.com. You are welcome to share all materials with credit to her.