Woohoohoohoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Summer camp is here!!! I have some amazing new families whose kids have eased right into the general state of things, and I feel so grateful. The bulk of the group comprises kids who’ve been with me for multiple years (some for more than half their young lives), and before camp started I was so excited to get to see them and their families again. Now that we’re underway, it just brings me all the more joy to witness all the things they see and do- watching how clever they’ve become with knot tying and using their bandanas, listening to their enthusiastic stories of past Outside School experiences and what they want to do during their time with me, and getting to be a part of letting them be them. Wow, what an honor! I’m a lucky teacher, truly.
All the Outside School kids get a nature journal, a pencil, and a bandana. Here's a student documenting a snack container o' water beetles!
I’ve been so busy lately that I didn’t realize my sister had her new site/service up and running in Portland, Oregon. She is offering plant identification services in the area at an entirely affordable rate. I love the website, and it completely cracks me up to see how alike we are. Please go check out Cascadian Botany!
Nature News
Newt seekers. “To them it’s an ocean, to us it’s a pond.”
Since I hadn’t been to Wildcat Creek during the time between the school year and camp, I was super interested to see if the creek was still flowing and if the newt larvae were still there. There is still water, and the newts have been growing! They’re about twice the size as they were last month, and have all four legs now instead of just their rear two. The kids were remarking that they look like axlotls. They do! Do you know why?
One of the brilliant young naturalists at Outside School summer camp loves to bring their own nets, and emptied snack containers are often used as temporary homes for observation. Their enthusiasm and gentleness with all things biological is contagious, and everyone celebrated this “thunderscoop” of newt larvae in Wildcat Creek!
At Outside School, we’re breaking new ground into what school can look like.
Learning is child led and teacher supported, with children learning through play, conversation, and direct experience. This developmental approach respects everyone for who they are and encourages growth in all realms: head (knowledge), heart (social and emotional), and hands (physical). Lessons are organic, weaving together my life and educator experiences, everyone’s strengths, challenges, and interests, and what our environment and needs provide us each day.
If you want something outside the box for your own child, please visit www.outside.school for more information and to fill out the application. I’m currently enrolling elementary, middle, and high school children for the 2022 - 2023 school year, Tuesdays through Thursdays, 9:00 - 3:00. With this schedule you can focus on the degree of academics that works for your family the rest of the week. Every school day I’ll send you an email with photos and documentation of the learning that’s taking place in our great urban outdoors!
Most questions can be answered by a thorough review of the website.
Camille Dungy and I each contributed chapters for both editions of “Nature Education with Young Children: Integrating Inquiry and Practice,” edited by Daniel R. Meier and Stephanie Sisk-Hilton. Here, you can hear her voice or read her words in “From Dirt,” from Emergence Magazine:
As a means of connecting with others now and with our ancestors, the Richmond Public Library has a seed library. Their “Seed of the Month” program highlights the history of the seeds on offer, free for the taking.
Here in California, wildfires are continuing to be a part of our lives. In “Hardening Your Home,” CAL FIRE offers resources, links, and a video that will help people prepare their property for resiliency when wildfire comes.
How are you holding up, mentally and emotionally, in the depths of the continuing pandemic and civil rights issues? I’m too often finding myself exhausted, and am trying to make room for the energy that takes, along with that all-important self-care. I keep finding useful articles, such as this one that Kaiser sent out that’s both affirmative and has tips, “Yes, You Can Build Resilience: Here’s How.”
Last month I held a “Family Walk and Talk with Outside School” for potential families in advance of the 2022 - 2023 school year. Should I have one again for the 2023 - 2024 school year? I had it on a Saturday; is that a good day for anyone who’s interested?
Take care,
How I spent my summer vacation- with the Fire/Safety team on the pit lane for NASCAR at Sonoma Raceway. I’m the one with the forehead. 😆 (Photo is Dennis Sarantapoulas'.)
Heather Taylor, EMT
Founder/Director/Teacher, Outside School (www.outside.school)
Founder, Teach Outside (www.teachoutside.org)
California Master Teacher
An old Herb Caen article, waxing poetic about San Francisco. It really works in any season around here.
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