Humans and Nature
A parent sent along this wonderful article, "Mud-Luscious and Puddle-Wonderful," by Lucy Jones for Writers Rebel. In it, Ms. Jones raises many important points about humans needing more time in nature. But, there's also something there that's been bothering me a long time, "that vs. who."
That: Used to indicate a person, thing, idea, state, event, time, remark, etc., as pointed out or present, mentioned before, supposed to be understood, or by way of emphasis.
Who: Person or persons. Used relatively in restrictive and nonrestrictive clauses to represent a specified antecedent, the antecedent being a person or sometimes an animal or personified thing.
The author points out that in the important book I highly recommend, Braiding Sweetgrass, by Robin Wall Kimmerer, she brings up the idea of personhood for organisms, which in turn makes it difficult to exploit them (i.e. the Pine who shaded us vs. the pine that shaded us). Going further back, I've noticed in popular media as far back as the 1960s, that humans are often objectified through the use of the nonspecific word, "that."
I know I'm a person who is willing to observe and change. I think you are people who are, too! (Now doesn't that second sentence sound better than, "I think you are people that are, too!). So, here's your invitation to pay attention and try it out.
This is our place. Photo by a student.
Enrollment: School Year
I’m currently enrolling children for the rest of this school year and next. If you want to learn more about Outside School and myself, I invite you to check out my website, An application is there, too.
Did you know your kid doesn't have to go to "regular" school? Please check out Jamie Heston Homeschool's page for more information about filing a private school affidavit:
Outside School is happy to partner up with families who want something different for their children, finding health and freedom in an organic learning experience.
First contact.
Enrollment: Camp
Last year got pretty crazy for camp enrollment, so I updated procedures this year in hopes of making it more fair. I know it's early, but people are already inquiring! Here are important administrative details:
I am signing new families up for all four weeks only:
-Summer Camp Week 1 (July 11-15, 2022)
-Summer Camp Week 2 (July 18-22, 2022)
-Summer Camp Week 3 (July 25-29, 2022)
-Summer Camp Week 4 (August 1-5, 2022)
First-come, first-served enrollment periods are:
-Now through October 31: families enrolled in 2021 summer camp who are signing up for three or four weeks.
-November 1 through 30: families on my mailing list signing up for three or four weeks (families who have taken part in my programs before) or four weeks (new families).
-December 1 and after: anyone else signing up for four weeks.
Here's the link to the site, information, and application:
Mixed age groupings encourage helpfulness. Here, we are on our way back from a field trip to check out our emergency evacuation area and eat popsicles. One of the kids was too hot and didn't want to remove their backpack to put it inside, so another child with more experience demonstrated how to tie a jacket around one's waist.
Resources and Community
A lot of folks were stretched thin, pulled to the breaking point from all sides, before we were even struck by the pandemic. As the article outlined at the beginning of this email notes, nature is essential for every human.
Parenting Stress
Family Paths, Inc. (formerly Parental Stress Service) is a non-profit organization of mental health professionals and dedicated volunteers that provide a number of mental health and supportive services to low income, multi-stressed individuals and families. They are a multicultural agency committed to serving families of Alameda County regardless of age, ethnicity/race, financial status, language, sexual orientation, immigration status, class, religion, gender, mental or physical ability.
Their Parenting Stress Helpline provides free and confidential counseling, information and referrals to anyone in need of parenting support. You have access to caring helpline counselors for anonymous calls at any time, or schedule regular call backs to support you with your parenting or family concerns. They also can refer you to Family Paths’ services and 900+ Alameda County resources.
Parenting Stress Helpline
Call 24/7
Stretch, breathe, and reach high! I wish you well.
Photo by a student.
Take care,
* Feel free to forward to anyone you like!